Monday, 18 August 2008


Although we hadn't said we knew that today was going to be your birthday. So having dropped your big sister off at nanny and grandads we headed for the hospital. I was due to be admitted at 8:00 and to have my section in the afternoon. After a while i was shown to a bed and then lots of people came to us but not a lot happened and daddy got worried because they hadn't started a drip on me to help control my diabetes that everyone said i needed. First the anaesthetist came to explain what would happen then the midwife and the doctor to admit me then they started the drip on me and i had to go on a monitor to make sure you were OK. Then the doctor who was going to do the section came to explain things and also scanned me to check how you were lying. You were still breech so that meant i defiantly had to have a casearean section. Then the midwife came to get me ready and we walked down to the theatre. Once there they took daddy to get changed and i went into the theatre. Its very strange walking into a operating theatre knowing you are going to be awake to have an operation. The staff in theatre were lovely and talked me through everything, first of all they put another drip in and then did the spinal. But i do remember thinking i hope its a boy i cant do this again. It is just amazing how quickly it works and no sooner than they had lay me down i no longer had control of my legs. Then they started to get things ready and then daddy was there holding my hand. They then told us what was happening and the midwife asked did we want to be told the sex or look for ourselves we said look. But then the anesthetist said there delivering the baby and told us it was a boy it no longer mattered not sure who cried the most but the tears were falling as we were both so happy. We didnt know what you were going to be and would have been happy if you were a girl as long as you were safe but the fact you were a boy as daddy said was the cherry on the cake.

They then came and showed us you so we could see for ourselves and then took you away to check you. Then they came and let me hold you why they finished the surgery. Just before the end they gave you to daddy and took you to be weighed and checked. It was then i though that it wasnt that bad and i could maybe do it again. Then i was taken to recovery and then they brought you back to see if you would feed but you didn't so they took you back to daddy so you could be fed. They then called the ward for me to go back and first they said i couldn't as i still had the drip up for my insulin and at first took me to delivery suite where you were waiting with daddy. Then daddy went to let everyone know you had arrived even though we were not certain on your name although we thought it would be Samuel James. Then they decided we could go back to the ward so we did. Both daddy and me were amazed by you we thought you looked like your big sister at first but then were not so sure but you were not as chubby as your sister and looked longer and defiantly more hairy. But to us you were perfect. After a while we spoke to your grandparents checked how your sister was and then your grandma came in to see you. So Happy Birthday Samuel James born at 14:24 on the 18th August 2008 weigh 8ib 61/2 oz

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