Monday 28 January 2008

How did she know

I was on the phone to a friend when she started asking me when there was going to be an adittion to the family. So i had to tell her that there was an adiition on the way but we were keeping it quiet. She said she had a felling. How i dont know!!!!

Tuesday 22 January 2008

First visit

It was strange to be going back to the hospital again it was funny how people recognised me i wasn't expecting much to happen today. But after seeing the midwife and the doctor the consultant came in to see me and said he would scan me. Which was difreent to last time as i had a booking in scan at 9 weeks but they gave me that appointment for 12 weeks. So i was quite excited at having my pregnancy confirmed but when he did the scan he could see something but not anything to show me so they though i was proabably a week earlier than my dates which was what i though i anyway. But there going to scan me again in two weeks so im going to see if Ste can come with me then. So for the time being i'm going to have to keep Ste quiet as he currently wants to tell everyone but something is holding me back though strange as last time the secret was out early.

I saw the diabetic team and my habc1 was 6.8 which was good as it had come down although i know they would like it to be lower its heading the right direction.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

New Year

As we start the year were excited to think that our family is growing and you will be joining us later this year.