Friday, 18 July 2008

Last Day

Today was my last day in work before starting maternity leave. I cant believe how quick it has come round. Part of me feels like i could work a bit longer but the other is relieved as it has been getting harder and i know i need to get organised for spud 2 arrival. I am also very pleased with myself as i haven't been off sick infact the last time was when i was due to start mat leave with Abigail and i was stuck in hospital and managed to escape just in time to get to the leaving do my colleagues had arranged.

I still cant believe how kind people have been and yet again i received a big basket of goodies, money and flowers, but even more thoughtful was the little basket of goodies for Abigail so she wasn't left out. As with last time there is everything from nappies to clothes, teething rings to blankets. And certainly enough to pack my hospital bag without panicking to get things down from the loft because currently all the new stuff for spud plus the baby things we had for Abbi are safely in the loft. I guess its time to face reality and pack that bag. With Abi it was perminatly ready as we never quite knew when they would next keep me in

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