Sunday, 24 February 2008

Time to come clean

This morning when it came to put my uniform on i had a job getting my skirt on and definatley was much tighter rhan last week at first i thought i wouldnt manage to get my uniform on but ste managed to get the zip up and my tunic fastned although the last button only just. So its just as well we were planning to let people know after i had my scan on friday (thats if they havent allready guessed) because i cant hide it anymore.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

Is it or isnt it

I found out at clinic yesterday that they dont inform the gp about me being pregnant as it usually happens the other way round. So after we had finished at clinic we headed o the doctors as i had a prescription to pick up but the receptionist said i needed to see a doctor and gave me an appointment so off we headed. i saw him and he says my date is 31st august as its a leapyear it dosent matter either way cause we know spud will arrive in the middle of August i also been told that there is a strong possibility i will have to have another section not sure how i feel about that. But got time to think about what we want and be guided by the doctors.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Hello again

Me and daddy went to the hospital again today. First of all i had a scan daddy said you were moving round lots but when they turned the screen you were still but it was good to see you again and see everything is OK. Today they worked out you are 12 weeks and four days which is four days more than last scan said. They also looked and as far as they can tell everything is ok. We then went to see the midwives were they go through everything and arrange any investigations that are needed. So they have given me a due date of 1st September. So as we now you have to arrive at 38weeks that means you will be with us in the middle of august. They have given me the date of my next scan and its on daddy's 40Th birthday so as we will both be off i guess we will bring your big sister to meet you next time.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008


Back again everything fine although i have had a lot of hypos that i have struggled with particularly as i have lost all my warning signals. But there happy with changes i made so just carry on. My habc1 down to 6.5 so thats good. So everything ok lets hope they find my notes as they couldnt today.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

More Obvious

I dont now wether its cause people now but a couple of people asked when we were going to tell people today i guess im not going to get away with things for much longer and willl have to tell although ste still threating to put scan on blog and see who twigs.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Hello bump

Strange to say but its true. Last week ste thought that i had the start of a bump but i wasnt so sure but i have to say why it might not be obvious there is a definate bump there, and its goodbye to my jeans.

Strange how quickly things are changing this time to last

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

First Sighting

Me and daddy set of to the hospital today a little nervous a little excited as they had told me they would scanned again today so i was looking forward to seeing you and at last now everything was ok i wasnt imaging that i was pregenant.

We arrived at the hospital saw the midwife and were waiting for the doctor and diabetes team to arrive. The doctor arrived and said everything was ok and would see us in two weeks but when i mentioned being scaned he said he would get the consultant. They then told us that he was away and didnt let anyone else scan so i would have to wait for my booking in scan. Which would have been ok if they hadnt tried to scan me last time, and i had been worring that everything was ok he reasured me that it was and they would have told me if there was any worries, but he would have a word with the midwife. The midwife was lovley and understood exactly how i felt and didnt think i was worring unecessary so they arraged for me to go to the early pregnancy unit were they would scan us so after seeing the diabetic team off we went.

After a short wait were i wondered if i should have just waited they called me in to be scanned said that it would take a couple of minuites but they would then show us good or bad. But as soon as they started scanning daddy could see you after making sure you were on your own they showed me the scan and there you were your little heart beating and i knew with certainty i was going to be a mummy again. They worked out you are 9 weeks and four days which fits in with the date i had worked out. They gave us a picture of you, your daddy was so proud .

That night when we got in after work we showed your big sister abigail the picture she smilled at you then shuffled off holding your picture. Why i still dont want to tell everybody about you i feel happy to start telling our friends and family about you.